
A traveler, always looking for adventure, a language teacher, addicted to books, interested in cultures, people & food, new things to learn, adore to walk around in nature, spend time with loved ones and so much more. A kruidje-roer-me-niet, a dreamer and always looking for possibilities to make the world a little sunnier.

I dream of a place somewhere sunny where locals, travelers, craftsmen meet, make and inspire or get inspired. A place where people & nature come together. A place where you can be you.

Everyone has oceans to fly,
if they have the heart to do it.
Is it reckless? Maybe.
But what do dreams know of boundaries?

-Amelia Earhart

While in search of such a place and opportunity to make it mine I can’t do anything else than make baby steps towards the ultimate dream.

Since I was a little girl I loved “making” and I’ve always been surrounded by creative handmade things. At home, at my grandparents, at school, I’ve learned in a very natural way how things can be crafted, fixed and grown. More than grateful for all those happy memories, I would to love to share the joy of making, sprinkle you with inspiration and perhaps pass on the “makers” bug.

Never to old to learn, one of my grandmothers motto’s became mine as well. As I’m always eager and excited to try new things, learn unfamiliar techniques, use material I’ve never laid my hands on before, I join workshops, masterclasses and courses whenever I can.

A maker spreads love when she/he shares her/his experience and knowledge. So here’s a little list of what I did the last couple of years. A list full of places where I found tons of inspiration, but besides that, like minded people, friendship and a love for craftsmanship.

Vooropleiding Kunstacademie Minerva, 1998, Groningen
Creatief Dagboek Schrijven, Cocky Rotteveel, 2010, Laverna, Amsterdam
Creatief schrijven met een groep, 2011, Creatief schrijven vzw, Mechelen, Belgium
Reisverhalen schrijven, Amsterdam
The Artist’s Way, Fré Dekkers, 2017/2018, Amsterdam
Reisverhalen illustreren, WG Kunst, 2017 Amsterdam
Zeefdrukken basiscursus, Zeefdrukles, 2018, Amsterdam
Proprioceptive writing, Harttaal, Wies Enthoven, 2020, Amsterdam
Woldeberkoop wolworkshop, 2021, Hawar, Oldeberkoop
Druktechnieken, 2023, Grafisch Atelier, Leeuwarden
Printmakers cursus linosnede, Aletta de Roos, 2023, online
Vraag je vrij, Stilte, beweging en The Work, 2023, Geertje Couwenbergh & Veronique van Veenendaal
The Art Beat Club, verschillende online cursussen, Marenthe
Masterclass 2024 Claudy Jongstra, Spannum
Kennismakingsles Schrijftrainingen, 2024, Schrijversvakschool, Leeuwarden

Wish list:
. Risoprint, Riso Pop www.risopop.com
. Lotta Jansdotter, Print & Nature retreat www.lottajansdotter.com
. Ace Camps Travel Company acecampstravel.com
. Cobo & Co cobo-co.nl